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Wordpress post wrapper

The lib help to wrap WP instances and to cache already collected data. Also, you can implement your own method for a post instance


The lib help to wrap WP instances and to cache already collected data. Also, you can implement your own method for a post instance


Run composer require webxid/wp-post-wrapper

How to use

E.g. we have the next implementation: PageBlocks of a posts type and the next SimpleBlock of a post and the next Category of a post taxonomy

Factory method

You can implement a separate class for a specific post and handle custom fields as the post instance properties

Get data

To get a posts list
use WebXID\WpPostWrapper\Example\PageBlocks
use WebXID\WpPostWrapper\Example\SimpleBlock;

foreach(PageBlocks::buildPostsList() $key => $post) {
    /** @var SimpleBlock $post */

    // do some code
To build a single post instance

use WebXID\WpPostWrapper\Example\PageBlocks
use WebXID\WpPostWrapper\Example\SimpleBlock;

/** @var SimpleBlock $post */
$post = PageBlocks::itemFactory(get_post());
To build a taxonomy instance

use WebXID\WpPostWrapper\Example\Category
use WebXID\WpPostWrapper\Example\SimpleBlock;

/** @var Category $post */
$category = Category::factory(get_queried_object());